
6.5.9 Command and Form Presentation Types

The command and form presentation types are complex types provided primarily for use by the top-level interactor of an application.


Summary: The presentation type used to represent any Lisp object. The textual view of this type looks like what the standard print and read functions produce and accept. The standard print and read functions produce and accept the textual view of this type.

A separate presentation history for each instance of an application frame is maintained for the expression presentation type.


Summary: The presentation type used to represent a Lisp form. This is a subtype of expression and is equivalent to it, except that some presentation translators produce quote forms.


Arguments: &key command-table

Summary: The presentation type used to represent a command processor command and its arguments.

A separate presentation history for each instance of an application frame is maintained for the command presentation type.


Arguments: &key command-table

Summary: The presentation type used to represent the name of a command processor command in the command table command-table .


Arguments: &key command-table

Summary: The presentation type used to represent either a Lisp form or a command processor command and its arguments.

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
