
6.5 Predefined Presentation Types

This section documents predefined CLIM presentation types, presentation type options, and parameters. For more information on how to use these presentation types, see 6.2, How to Specify a CLIM Presentation Type.

Note that any presentation type with the same name as a Common Lisp type accepts the same parameters as the Common Lisp type (and additional parameters in a few cases).

6.5.1 Basic Presentation Types

6.5.2 Numeric Presentation Types

6.5.3 Character and String Presentation Types

6.5.4 Pathname Presentation Types

6.5.5 One-Of and Some-Of Presentation Types

6.5.6 Sequence Presentation Types

6.5.7 Constructor Presentation Types

6.5.8 Compound Presentation Types

6.5.9 Command and Form Presentation Types

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
