LispWorks Ltd was launched in January 2005.
The company sells software written using the Common Lisp programming language. Our main products, LispWorks and Liquid Common Lisp, are Lisp development tools. Our primary business is support and development of these tools. We are also experts in application design and development and we provide consultancy services to companies needing implementation of software projects.
LispWorks Ltd was formed to continue and grow the Lisp business formerly owned by Xanalys Corporation (previously owned by Global Graphics and originating with Harlequin). LispWorks Ltd comprises the Lisp team who were previously with Xanalys.
LispWorks Ltd is a company registered in England, company number 05114963.
The company's registered address is St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS
LispWorks Ltd is registered for VAT with UK VAT ID: GB 833329531
The company's trading address and contact details are here.