Stream corresponding to the fasl file to be created.
Name of the fasl file to be created.
Forms, some of which may be dumped.
is used in conjunction with dump-form
to dump selected forms.
LispWorks uses the following naming conventions for fasl files, and it is recommended that you should use them too, to ensure correct operation of load and so on.
You can find the fasl file extension appropriate for your machine by looking at the variable system:*binary-file-type*
. The variable system::*binary-file-types*
contains a list of all the file extensions currently recognized by load
SYSTEM 5 > (with-output-to-fasl-file (s "/tmp/foo.fasl")
(dump-form '(print 'hello) s))
SYSTEM 6 > (load "/tmp/foo.fasl")
; Loading fasl file /tmp/foo.fasl