color-red color-spec => color-component
color-green color-spec => color-component
color-blue color-spec => color-component
color-hue color-spec => color-component
color-saturation color-spec => color-component
color-value color-spec => color-component
If color-spec is not from the appropriate color model ( :rgb
in the case of color-red
, color-green
and color-blue
, and :hsv
in the case of color-hue
, color-saturation
and color-value
) then the component is calculated.
COLOR 31 > (color:make-rgb 1.0s0 0.0s0 0.0s0)
#(:RGB 1.0S0 0.0S0 0.0S0)
COLOR 32 > (color-red *)
COLOR 33 > (color-green **)
COLOR 34 > (color-value ***)
COLOR 35 >