4.4 The Inspector

4.4.1 Using the Inspector

The Inspector is entered by calling the functioninspect on a Lisp object. The Inspector displays the components of the data structure and then displays the Inspector prompt (>>). You can recursively inspect or modify components of the data structure by typing an Inspector command after the Inspector prompt. You can enter Inspector commands in either uppercase or lowercase. Entering a question mark (?) at the prompt displays a list of Inspector commands:

>> ?
:Q, :A    Quit the inspector, returning the current object.
:R        Redisplay the current object.
:U        Pop the inspector stack.
:S N EXP  Evaluate EXP and store the result in slot N
          of the current object.
:L N      Set *PRINT-LENGTH* for the inspector to N 
						(possibly NIL).
:D N      Set *PRINT-LEVEL* for the inspector to N (possibly NIL).
?, :?     Print this message.
:H, :HELP Print this message.
A positive integer selects a component of the current object to 
be inspected, and pushes the current object onto the inspector 
stack.  Any other input is evaluated and inspected and the
current object is also pushed onto the stack.  The variable * 
can be used to refer to the current object in an 
expression to be evaluated.

The User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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