The Loop Facility
- Contents
- Copyright and Trademarks
- 1 - Introduction
- 1.1 - About the Loop Facility
- 1.1.1 - How the Loop Facility works
- 1.1.2 - Differences between LOOP and DO
- - Example 1
- - Example 2
- - Example 3
- 1.2 - Categories of operations
- 1.2.1 - Iteration control
- 1.2.2 - End-test control
- 1.2.3 - Value accumulation
- 1.2.4 - Local variable initializations
- 1.2.5 - Conditional execution
- 1.2.6 - Main body
- 1.2.7 - Initial and final evaluation
- 1.2.8 - Miscellaneous operations
- 1.2.9 - Advanced iteration
- 1.2.10 - User extension
- 1.2.11 - Backward compatibility
- 1.3 - Notational conventions and syntax
- 1.3.1 - Functions and generic functions
- 1.3.2 - Macros and special forms
- 1.3.3 - Global variables and constants
- 1.3.4 - Examples and code
- 2 - Loop Constructs
- 2.1 - About loop constructs
- 2.2 - Iteration control
- 2.2.1 - Using multiple iteration clauses
- 2.2.2 - Reference pages
- 2.3 - End-test control
- 2.3.1 - Reference pages
- 2.4 - Value accumulation
- 2.4.1 - Combining accumulation clauses
- 2.4.2 - Reference pages
- 2.5 - Variable initializations
- 2.5.1 - Sequential and parallel initialization
- 2.5.2 - Reference pages
- 2.6 - Conditional execution
- 2.6.1 - Reference pages
- 2.7 - Unconditional execution
- 2.7.1 - Reference pages
- 2.8 - Miscellaneous features
- 2.8.1 - Data types
- 2.8.2 - Destructuring
- 2.8.3 - Reference pages
- 2.9 - Advanced iteration
- 2.9.1 - Advanced iteration methods
- 2.9.2 - Using an index with sequence iteration
- 2.10 - User extension
- 2.10.1 - Invoking loop methods
- 2.10.2 - Inclusivity
- 2.10.3 - Reference pages
- 2.11 - Backward compatibility
- 2.11.1 - Compatibility constructs
- 2.11.2 - Loop methods
- 2.11.3 - Obsolete names
- 2.11.4 - Reference pages
- 3 - Error Conditions
- 3.1 - About error conditions
- 3.2 - Points to Remember
- A - Alphabetical Listing of Loop Constructs
- Glossary
- Index
The Loop Facility - 9 SEP 1996

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