Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0
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- Contents
- Copyright and Trademarks
- Preface
- Conventions used in this manual
- Using the mouse
- Choosing menu commands
- Using the keyboard
- 1 - Introduction
- 1.1 - Major tools
- 1.1.1 - The listener
- 1.1.2 - The editor
- 1.1.3 - The class browser
- 1.1.4 - The output browser
- 1.1.5 - The inspector
- 2 - A Short Tutorial
- 2.1 - Starting the environment
- 2.2 - Creating a listener
- 2.3 - Using the debugger
- 2.4 - Viewing output
- 2.5 - Inspecting objects using the inspector
- 2.6 - Examining classes in the class browser
- 2.7 - Summary
- 3 - Common Features
- 3.1 - Loading and displaying tools
- 3.1.1 - Displaying existing windows
- 3.1.2 - Loading and displaying tools
- 3.1.3 - Re-using windows
- 3.1.4 - Copying windows
- 3.1.5 - Closing windows
- 3.1.6 - Updating windows
- 3.2 - Using electronic mail
- 3.3 - Quitting the environment
- 3.4 - Performing editing functions
- 3.4.1 - Undoing changes
- 3.4.2 - Using the clipboard
- 3.4.3 - Selecting text and objects
- 3.4.4 - Searching for text and objects
- 3.5 - The history list
- 3.5.1 - Repeating events from the history list
- 3.5.2 - Editing the history list
- 3.6 - Operating on files
- 3.7 - Displaying packages
- 3.7.1 - Specifying a package
- 3.8 - Performing operations on selected objects
- 3.8.1 - Operations available
- 3.9 - Using different views
- 3.9.1 - Sorting items in views
- 3.10 - Tracing symbols from tools
- 3.11 - Linking tools together
- 3.12 - Filtering information
- 3.13 - Examining the window itself
- 4 - Getting Help
- 4.1 - Browsing manuals online
- 4.1.1 - Browsing manuals online
- 4.1.2 - Searching the online manuals
- 4.1.3 - Getting help on the current tool
- 4.1.4 - Getting help on the current symbol
- 4.2 - Online help for editor commands
- 5 - Manipulating Graphs
- 5.1 - An overview of the graph view
- 5.2 - Searching graphs
- 5.3 - Expanding and collapsing graphs
- 5.4 - Altering the depth and breadth of graphs
- 5.5 - Displaying different graph layouts
- 5.6 - Moving nodes in graphs
- 5.7 - Displaying plans of graphs
- 6 - The Podium Window
- 6.1 - Starting the environment
- env:start-environment
- 6.2 - Description of the podium window
- 7 - The Listener
- 7.1 - The basic features of a listener
- 7.2 - Evaluating simple forms
- 7.3 - Re-evaluating forms
- 7.4 - Interrupting evaluation
- 7.5 - The History menu
- 7.6 - The File menu
- 7.7 - The Expression menu
- 7.8 - The Values menu
- 7.9 - The Debug menu
- 7.10 - Execute mode
- 7.11 - Help with editing in the listener
- 7.12 - Further tools
- 8 - The Editor
- 8.1 - Displaying and editing files
- 8.1.1 - The editor window
- 8.1.2 - The echo area
- 8.1.3 - Using the text view
- 8.1.4 - Using keyboard commands
- 8.2 - Displaying and swapping between buffers
- 8.2.1 - Filter area
- 8.2.2 - Buffers area
- 8.3 - Displaying Common Lisp definitions
- 8.3.1 - Filter area
- 8.3.2 - Buffer definitions area
- 8.4 - Displaying definitions which have changed
- 8.5 - Displaying output messages in the editor
- 8.6 - Configuring the display
- 8.6.1 - Sorting items in lists
- 8.6.2 - Displaying package information
- 8.7 - Getting started with the editor
- 8.7.1 - Opening, saving and printing files
- 8.7.2 - Moving around files
- 8.7.3 - Inserting and deleting text
- 8.7.4 - Using several buffers
- 8.8 - Other essential commands
- 8.8.1 - Aborting commands
- 8.8.2 - Undoing commands
- 8.8.3 - Repeating commands
- 8.9 - Cutting, copying and pasting using the clipboard
- 8.10 - Cutting, copying and pasting using the kill ring
- 8.10.1 - Marking the region
- 8.10.2 - Cutting or copying text
- 8.10.3 - Pasting text
- 8.11 - Searching and replacing text
- 8.11.1 - Searching for text
- 8.11.2 - Incremental searches
- 8.11.3 - Replacing text
- 8.12 - Using Lisp-specific commands
- 8.12.1 - Evaluating code
- 8.12.2 - Compiling code
- 8.12.3 - Tracing symbols and functions
- 8.12.4 - Packages
- 8.12.5 - Indentation of forms
- 8.12.6 - Other facilities
- 8.13 - Help with editing
- 9 - The Class Browser
- 9.1 - Simple use of the class browser
- 9.1.1 - Examining slots
- 9.1.2 - Examining inherited slots
- 9.1.3 - Filtering slot information
- 9.1.4 - Examining other classes
- 9.1.5 - Sorting information
- 9.2 - Examining slot information
- 9.2.1 - Class area
- 9.2.2 - Filter area
- 9.2.3 - Slots area
- 9.2.4 - Description area
- 9.2.5 - Performing operations on the current class
- 9.3 - Examining superclasses and subclasses
- 9.3.1 - Class area
- 9.3.2 - Superclasses area
- 9.3.3 - Subclasses area
- 9.3.4 - Description area
- 9.3.5 - Performing operations on the selected classes or the current class
- 9.4 - Examining classes graphically
- 9.4.1 - Class area
- 9.4.2 - Graph area
- 9.4.3 - Description area
- 9.4.4 - Performing operations on the selected classes or the current class
- 9.4.5 - An example
- 9.5 - Examining generic functions and methods
- 9.5.1 - Class area
- 9.5.2 - Filter area
- 9.5.3 - Functions area
- 9.5.4 - Description area
- 9.5.5 - Performing operations on the current class
- 9.5.6 - Operations specific to the current function or method
- 9.6 - Examining initargs
- 9.6.1 - Class area
- 9.6.2 - Filter area
- 9.6.3 - Initargs area
- 9.6.4 - Description area
- 9.6.5 - Performing operations on the current class
- 9.7 - Examining class precedences
- 9.7.1 - Class area
- 9.7.2 - Filter area
- 9.7.3 - Precedence area
- 9.7.4 - Description area
- 9.7.5 - Performing operations on the selected classes or the current class
- 10 - The Output Browser
- 11 - The Inspector
- 11.1 - Examining objects
- 11.1.1 - Using different display options
- 11.1.2 - Filtering the display
- 11.2 - Operating upon objects and items
- 11.2.1 - Examination operations
- - Example
- 11.2.2 - Manipulation operations
- - Example
- 11.3 - Customizing the inspector
- 12 - The Debugger Tool
- 12.1 - Description of the debugger
- 12.1.1 - Condition area
- 12.1.2 - Backtrace area
- 12.1.3 - Variables area
- 12.1.4 - Buttons
- 12.2 - What the debugger tool does
- 12.3 - Simple use of the debugger tool
- 12.4 - The stack in the debugger
- 12.5 - An example debugging session
- 12.6 - Performing operations on the error condition
- 12.7 - Performing operations on frames in the stack
- 12.8 - Performing operations on variables in a frame
- 12.9 - Configuring the debugger tool
- 12.9.1 - Configuring the call frames displayed
- 12.9.2 - Configuring the symbols displayed
- 12.9.3 - Displaying package information
- 13 - The Generic Function Browser
- 13.1 - Examining information about methods
- 13.1.1 - Function area
- 13.1.2 - Filter area
- 13.1.3 - Methods area
- 13.1.4 - Description area
- 13.1.5 - Performing operations on the current function or selected methods
- 13.2 - Examining information about method combinations
- 13.2.1 - Function area
- 13.2.2 - Filter area
- 13.2.3 - Signatures area
- 13.2.4 - Arguments types area
- 13.2.5 - Method combination area
- 13.2.6 - Description area
- 13.2.7 - Performing operations on signatures
- 13.3 - Sorting information
- 14 - The Interface Builder
- 14.1 - Creating or loading interfaces
- 14.1.1 - Creating a new interface
- 14.1.2 - Loading existing interfaces
- 14.2 - Creating an interface layout
- 14.2.1 - Interface area
- 14.2.2 - Layout hierarchy area
- 14.2.3 - Panes, Interfaces, and Layouts areas
- 14.2.4 - Adding new elements to the layout
- 14.2.5 - Creating different views
- 14.2.6 - Inheriting parts of the layout
- 14.3 - Creating a menu system
- 14.3.1 - Interface area
- 14.3.2 - Menu hierarchy area
- 14.3.3 - Adding menu bars
- 14.3.4 - Adding menus
- 14.3.5 - Adding menu items
- 14.3.6 - Adding menu components
- - Standard menu components
- - Radio components
- - Check components
- 14.4 - Editing and saving code
- 14.4.1 - Integrating the design with your own code
- 14.4.2 - Editing code
- 14.4.3 - Saving code
- 14.5 - Performing operations on objects
- 14.5.1 - Editing the selected object
- 14.5.2 - Browsing the selected object
- 14.5.3 - Rearranging components in an interface
- 14.5.4 - Setting the attributes for the selected object
- - Basic attributes
- - Advanced attributes
- - Title attributes
- - Callbacks attributes
- - Geometry attributes
- - Style attributes
- 14.6 - Performing operations on the current interface
- 14.6.1 - Setting attributes for the current interface
- 14.6.2 - Displaying the current interface
- 14.6.3 - Arranging objects in a pinboard layout
- 14.6.4 - Loading the current interface into the environment
- 14.7 - Performing operations on symbols
- 15 - Example: Using The Interface Builder
- 15.1 - Creating the basic layout
- 15.2 - Specifying attribute values
- 15.3 - Creating the menu system
- 15.4 - Specifying callbacks in the interface definition
- 15.4.1 - Specifying layout callbacks and other callback information
- 15.4.2 - Specifying menu callbacks
- 15.5 - Saving the interface
- 15.6 - Defining the callbacks
- 15.6.1 - Callbacks to update the display pane
- 15.6.2 - Callbacks to display data in a dialog
- 15.6.3 - Callbacks for menu items
- 15.6.4 - Other miscellaneous functions
- 15.7 - Creating a system
- 15.8 - Testing the example interface
- 16 - The Process Browser
- 16.1 - Sorting the output
- 16.2 - Process control
- 16.3 - Other ways of breaking processes
- 17 - The Mailer
- 17.1 - Sending mail
- 17.1.1 - Copying mail messages
- 17.1.2 - Reusing mailer windows
- 17.2 - Reporting bugs
- Index
Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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