11.2.1 Examination operations Example

Consider the following example, where a closure is defined:

(let ((test-button (make-instance 'capi:button)))
  (defun is-button-enabled ()
    (slot-value test-button 'capi::enabled)))

This has defined the functionis-button-enabled, which is a closure over the variabletest-button, where the value oftest-button is an instance of thecapi:button class.

1. Select Values > Inspect from the listener.

The inspector examines the symbolis-button-enabled.

If you select an item in the Main area, the Slots menu becomes active. You can choose actions from the menu to perform upon the item.

2. Click on theFUNCTION item to select the closure.

3. Choose Slots > Inspect to inspect the selected item.

The closure is inspected.

You can also double-click on an item in the Main area to inspect it.

Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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