3.3 Using type-specific operations

3.3.5 Compiling fast floating-point operations

You can increase the speed of floating-point operations by compiling code so that it explicitly uses the floating-point hardware on your system. Calls to hardware-supported floating-point operations are compiled in line and are thus faster because the function-calling overhead is eliminated. In addition, local variables that are declared as floating-point types are allocated either in registers or in a special block on the stack rather than in dynamic memory. Thus, these variables never need to be reclaimed by garbage collection.

To get the fastest results from the floating-point hardware, you must do the following:

To declare floating-point variables, usetype declarations or the special formthe to declare the explicit types of all floating-point quantities. This allows the Compiler to allocate variables in registers or on the stack.

When compiled, the following example produces extremely efficient code that requires no dynamic storage allocation:

(defun 2d-matrix-add (a b c)
  (declare (type (simple-array float (* *)) a b c))
  (let ((m (array-dimension a 1))
        (n (array-dimension a 2)))
    (declare (fixnum m n))
    (dotimes (i m)
      (dotimes (j n)
        (setf (aref c i j) (+ (aref a i j) (aref b i j)))))))

For example, the following code defines a data structureship:

(defstruct ship
  (x-position 0.0 :type float)
  (y-position 0.0 :type float))

The following definitions provide the same functionality as the previous definition and increase the efficiency ofship by using floating-point arrays, which allow the Compiler to generate more efficient access code:

(defstruct ship
  name (position
        (make-array 2
                    :element-type 'float
                    :initial-contents '(0.0 0.0))
        :type (simple-array float 2)))

(defsubst ship-x (s) (aref (ship-position s) 0)) (defsubst ship-y (s) (aref (ship-position s) 1))

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