6.2 The Source File Recording Facility

6.2.1 About source file definitions

Defining an object is a way to name and describe an object. For example, you can define a named function and specify its behavior by using the Common Lisp macrodefun. The Source File Recording Facility records definitions of functions, macros, and structures. It can be extended to record definitions of objects of other types.

Redefining an object assigns a new definition to a previously defined object. Giving a named object the same definition that you originally specified is also considered a redefinition.

When source file recording is enabled, defining and redefining objects has the following effects:

You can use the functionget-source-file to get the pathname of the source file that contains the definition of an object.

The Source File Recording Facility is enabled by default. To stop source file recording, set the variable *record-source-files* to nil. Stopping source file recording does not delete old information; if you want to remove source file information, use the function discard-source-file-info. You might want to remove source file information before you save an image to reduce the image size.

To restart source file recording, set the variable*record-source-files* to a non-nil value.

The Advanced User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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