5 The Multitasking Facility

5.4 A coded example

The fringe of a tree that is made up of conses is defined as an ordered list of the atoms at the leaves of the tree. The following sample code defines a function calledsamefringe, which uses multitasking to determine whether two trees have the same fringe. The function creates processes that walk through two trees and compare them atom for atom.

;;; This function is the top level of a process that enumerates 
;;; the fringe atoms of a tree made up of conses.  It uses the 
;;; value of RESULT-SYMBOL to communicate with other processes.  
;;; Whenever it encounters an atom, it stores it in RESULT-SYMBOL.  
;;; When the atom has been compared with a fringe atom of the 
;;; second tree, RESULT-SYMBOL is set to NIL, and the process 
;;; moves to the next node.  When the atoms of both trees have 
;;; been compared, RESULT-SYMBOL is set to the special value :END. 
;;; Note: this code won't work if the tree contains NIL or :END 
;;;       as atoms.

(defun fringe-top-level (tree result-symbol) (fringe-top-level-1 tree result-symbol) (set result-symbol :end))

(defun fringe-top-level-1 (tree result-symbol) (cond ((atom tree) ; An atom is found. (set result-symbol tree) ; Report the found atom. (process-wait "Symbol Ready" ; Wait until symbol becomes nil #'(lambda () (null (symbol-value result-symbol)))) ) (t ; If it is a cons, continue. (fringe-top-level (car tree) result-symbol) (fringe-top-level (cdr tree) result-symbol))))

(defun samefringe (tree1 tree2) "Determine whether TREE1 and TREE2 have the same atoms in the same order" ;; sym1 and sym2 are used to communicate between processes. (let ((sym1 (gensym)) (sym2 (gensym))) (set sym1 nil) (set sym2 nil) (let ((proc1 (make-process :name "Tree 1" :stack-size 3000 :function 'fringe-top-level :args (list tree1 sym1))) (proc2 (make-process :name "Tree 2" :stack-size 3000 :function 'fringe-top-level :args (list tree2 sym2)))) (unwind-protect ; Make sure processes get killed. ;; Wait until both processes have found fringing symbols. ;; If they do not match, exit immediately. (loop (unless (eq (process-wait "Tree 1" #'(lambda () (symbol-value sym1))) (process-wait "Tree 2" #'(lambda () (symbol-value sym2)))) (return nil)) ;; If atoms still match at the end of the search, signal ;; that the end has been reached and that the fringes ;; match. (when (eq (symbol-value sym1) :end) (return t)) ;; Flush the communication cells to allow the processes ;; to run again. (set sym1 nil) (set sym2 nil)) ;; If the comparison is not over, kill the processes. (unless (eq (symbol-value sym1) :end) (kill-process proc1)) (unless (eq (symbol-value sym2) :end) (kill-process proc2))))))

The appendix "A Multitasking Application" presents a more detailed example of multitasking, as well as a sample session.

The Advanced User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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