Monitors a directory in the file system for changes.
monitor-directory-changes directory kinds change-callback &key monitor-subtree checker timeout
directory⇩ |
A pathname designator naming a directory. |
kinds⇩ |
A list of keywords. |
change-callback⇩ |
A function designator. |
monitor-subtree⇩ |
A generalized boolean. |
checker⇩ | nil or a function designator. |
timeout⇩ | nil or a positive real . |
The function monitor-directory-changes
loops monitoring directory for changes in the file system.
kinds is a list of one or more of the keywords:
:file-name |
Monitor changes to files names. |
:dir-name |
Monitor changes to directory names. |
:attributes |
Monitor changes to attributes. |
:size |
Monitor changes to file size. |
:last-write |
Monitor changes to write time. |
:last-access |
Monitor changes to last access times. |
:creation |
Monitor changes to creation times. |
:security |
Monitor changes to security-descriptors. |
change-callback is called whenever any items specified by kinds change in directory (or in any subdirectories if monitor-subtree is non-nil). change-callback is called with the pathname of the item that has changed and a keyword specifying the change:
:added |
The file/directory was added. |
:removed |
The file/directory was removed. |
:modified |
The file/directory was modified. |
:renamed-old-name |
The file/directory was renamed from this old name. |
:renamed-new-name |
The file/directory was renamed to this new name. |
When checker is non-nil, it is called with no arguments every timeout seconds or when a change is detected. If checker returns nil
, then monitor-directory-changes
itself returns nil
immediately. Otherwise, monitor-directory-changes
never returns.
timeout is useful only when checker is non-nil. It defaults to 5 when checker is non-nil and otherwise it defauls to nil
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:52