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monitor-directory-changes Function


Monitors a directory in the file system for changes.




monitor-directory-changes directory kinds change-callback &key monitor-subtree checker timeout

A pathname designator naming a directory.
A list of keywords.
A function designator.
A generalized boolean.
nil or a function designator.
nil or a positive real.

The function monitor-directory-changes loops monitoring directory for changes in the file system.

kinds is a list of one or more of the keywords:

Monitor changes to files names.
Monitor changes to directory names.
Monitor changes to attributes.
Monitor changes to file size.
Monitor changes to write time.
Monitor changes to last access times.
Monitor changes to creation times.
Monitor changes to security-descriptors.

change-callback is called whenever any items specified by kinds change in directory (or in any subdirectories if monitor-subtree is non-nil). change-callback is called with the pathname of the item that has changed and a keyword specifying the change:

The file/directory was added.
The file/directory was removed.
The file/directory was modified.
The file/directory was renamed from this old name.
The file/directory was renamed to this new name.

When checker is non-nil, it is called with no arguments every timeout seconds or when a change is detected. If checker returns nil, then monitor-directory-changes itself returns nil immediately. Otherwise, monitor-directory-changes never returns.

timeout is useful only when checker is non-nil. It defaults to 5 when checker is non-nil and otherwise it defauls to nil.

LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:52