The following example shows a simple grammar for a very small subset of English.
(defpackage "ENGLISH-PARSER" (:use "PARSERGEN") (:add-use-defaults t)) (in-package "ENGLISH-PARSER") ;;; Define the parser itself. (defparser english-parser ((<input> <sentence>) $1) ((<sentence> <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<basic-noun-phrase> :adj <basic-noun-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<basic-noun-phrase> <basic-noun-phrase> <relational>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<basic-noun-phrase> :noun) $1) ((<relational> :rel <verb-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<verb-phrase> :verb <noun-phrase> <locative>) `(,$1 ,$2 ,$3)) ((<verb-phrase> :verb <locative>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<verb-phrase> :verb <noun-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<verb-phrase> :verb) $1) ((<noun-phrase> :art <basic-noun-phrase> <locative>) `(,$1 ,$2 ,$3)) ((<noun-phrase> :art <basic-noun-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2)) ((<noun-phrase> <basic-noun-phrase>) $1) ((<locative> :loc <noun-phrase>) `(,$1 ,$2))) ;;; The lexer function. ;;; The basic lexing function (defvar *input*) (defun lex-english () (let ((symbol (pop *input*))) (if symbol (get-lex-class symbol) nil))) ;;; Getting syntactic categories. (defparameter *words* '((the :art)(a :art)(some :art)(ate :verb)(hit :verb) (cat :noun)(rat :noun)(mat :noun)(which :rel)(that :rel) (who :rel)(man :noun)(big :adj)(small :adj)(brown :adj) (dog :noun)(on :loc)(with :loc)(behind :loc)(door :noun) (sat :verb)(floor :noun))) (defun get-lex-class (word) (values (or (cadr (assoc word *words*)) :unknown) word)) ;;; The main function -- note bindings of globals (these ;;; are exported from the parsergen package). (defun parse-english (input) (let ((*input* input)) (english-parser #'lex-english)))
The following example session shows the parsing of some sentences.
ENGLISH-PARSER 34 > (parse-english '(the cat sat on the mat)) ((THE CAT) (SAT (ON (THE MAT)))) ENGLISH-PARSER 35 > (parse-english '(the big brown dog behind the door ate the cat which sat on the floor)) ((THE (BIG (BROWN DOG)) (BEHIND (THE DOOR))) (ATE (THE (CAT (WHICH (SAT (ON (THE FLOOR))))))))
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:06