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current-process-kill Function


Kill the current process.






The function current-process-kill kills the current process.

current-process-kill signals an error if it is called when interrupts are blocked, unless it is inside the scope of with-other-threads-disabled, in which case the process is marked as "dying", and actually dies on exit from with-other-threads-disabled.

Normally, current-process-kill throws out and does not return. It does execute all surrounding unwind-protect forms.

If current-process-kill is called while the process is already doing cleanups, it just returns.


If you have a process that is broken and repeatedly goes into the debugger and you are not interested in debugging it, then calling current-process-kill is the best way of getting rid of it. This is especially useful on non-Cocoa platforms (GTK+ and Windows) when you get an interface that is badly broken.

See also


LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:36