All Manuals > LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual > 42 The MP Package

*current-process* Variable


Contains the object that is the current process.



Initial Value

nil when not running multiprocessing, otherwise a process object.


The variable *current-process* is always bound to the object that is the current process. Do not set or bind *current-process* yourself.

During normal execution, *current-process* is bound to the currently executing process.

During calls to a process wait function (the argument to process-wait and similar functions), *current-process* is bound to the waiting process, that it process that called process-wait. In contrast, get-current-process always returns the currently executing process. Functions that implictly use the the current process, for example current-process-send and with-interrupts-blocked, use the currently executig process and ignore *current-process*.

See also


LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:36