Removes a value from a general property of a process.
remove-from-process-property indicator value &key process test => result
indicator⇩ |
A Lisp object. |
value⇩ |
A Lisp object. |
process⇩ |
A process, or nil . |
test⇩ |
A function designator for a function of two arguments. |
result⇩ |
A list. |
The function remove-from-process-property
removes value from the value of the property associated with indicator for the process process. It uses the function test to compare value with existing values, in the same way as cl:remove.
The default value of test is #'eql
If there is a property associated with indicator, the value of the property must be a list.
If process is not supplied or is nil
, the current process (that is, the result of calling get-current-process) is used.
result is the new value of the process property.
The modification is done in a thread-safe way.
In the typical case when only the current process sets the property (even if other processes read it), private properties can be used, and are much faster in SMP LispWorks, because they do not need to deal with parallel setting. See process-private-property.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:36