Copy between a Java array of primitive type and a buffer specified by a foreign pointer.
get-primitive-array-region array &key start end buffer buffer-size => target-buffer, foreign-type
set-primitive-array-region array buffer &key start end => t, foreign-type
array⇩ |
A Java array of primitive type. |
Bounding index designators for array. | |
buffer⇩ |
An FLI pointer. |
buffer-size⇩ |
A non-negative integer. |
target-buffer |
buffer or a new buffer. |
foreign-type⇩ |
A foreign type. |
The function get-primitive-array-region
copies from a Java array of primitive type to a buffer specified by a foreign pointer.
The function set-primitive-array-region
copies from a buffer specified by a foreign pointer to a Java array of primitive type.
buffer, if supplied, must be a foreign pointer pointing to a suitable buffer, which means large enough to receive the data in get-primitive-array-region
, or containing the desired data in set-primitive-array-region
start and end are bounding index designators for array, specifying the region to copy in number of elements.
buffer-size is used only when buffer is also supplied. buffer-size specifies the number of bytes to copy into buffer. If copying the required number of elements requires more bytes, get-primitive-array-region
signals an error. Note that buffer-size is specified in bytes, while start and end are specified in elements.
If buffer is not supplied to get-primitive-array-region
it creates a buffer of the correct size using fli:allocate-foreign-object. In this case you will need to free the buffer using fli:free-foreign-object when the program has finished with it.
copies the required number of elements into the buffer, and returns two values: the target buffer (either buffer or the new buffer) and the foreign type foreign-type corresponding to the Java primitive type (one of jbyte, jshort. jint. jlong, jfloat, jdouble, jboolean and jchar).
copies the required number of elements from buffer to array, and returns two values: t
and the foreign type.
These functions are useful when you need to pass the data to foreign code. If you need the data in Lisp, use lisp-array-to-primitive-array or primitive-array-to-lisp-array instead.
15.5 Working with Java arrays
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:32