Checks that at least one of the supplied symbols names a subclass of standard-java-object.
ensure-supers-contain-java.lang.object super-symbols lisp-name => nil
super-symbols⇩ |
A list of symbols. |
lisp-name⇩ |
A symbol. |
The function ensure-supers-contain-java.lang.object
checks that at least one of the symbols in super-symbols names a subclass of standard-java-object (or standard-java-object itself), otherwise it signals an error reporting that the superclasses for lisp-name do not have a subclass of standard-java-object.
intern-and-export-list is a utility function that is used by the importing interface when lisp-supers is passed to ensure at load-time that the supers contain a subclass of standard-java-object.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:32