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2.2 Standard listener commands

Generally the listener simply evaluates Lisp forms that you enter. However a few keywords, described in the this section, are specially recognized as shortcut for common listener operations.

2.2.1 Standard top-level loop commands

:redo Listener command

:redo &optional command-identifier

This option repeats a previous input. The command-identifier is either a number in the listener's history list or a symbol or subform in the input to repeat. If command-identifier is not supplied, the last input is repeated.

:get Listener command

:get name command-identifier

:get retrieves a previously-entered input from the listener's history and places it in the variable name. The command-identifier is the history list number of the input to be retrieved.

:use Listener command

:use new old &optional command-identifier

:use does a variant of a previous input. old matches a symbol or subform in the previous input, and is replaced with new to construct the new input. If supplied, command-identifier is the history list number of the input you want to modify.

:his Listener command

:his &optional n m

:his produces a list of the input history. If n is supplied it should be a positive integer: the last n inputs are shown. If m is also supplied it should be a positive integer greater than n, when inputs numbered n through m in the history are shown.

:bug-form Listener command

:bug-form subject &key filename

:bug-form prints a template bug report suitable for sending to Lisp Support. Supply a string subject. If you also supply filename, the report is printed to the file.

:help Listener command


:help prints a brief listing of the available listener commands.

:? Listener command


:? is a synonym for :help.

2.2.2 Examples

CL-USER 4 > :redo
(MAKE-ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME ...)
#S(ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME "Hilda" :WEIGHT 42)
CL-USER 5 > :his
1: (PRINT 42)
3: (MAKE-ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME ...)
4: (MAKE-ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME ...)
CL-USER 5 > :get make-hilda 3
CL-USER 5 > make-hilda
(MAKE-ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME "Hilda" :WEIGHT 42)
CL-USER 6 > :use "Henry" "Hilda"
(MAKE-ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME ...)
#S(ANIMAL :SPECIES "Hippopotamus" :NAME "Henry" :WEIGHT 42)
CL-USER 7 > :bug-form "Too many hippos..." :filename "bug-report.txt"

LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:00