Controls the depth to which describe describes arrays, structures and conses.
The variable *describe-level*
controls the depth to which the function describe describes arrays, structures and conses.
The describe functionality is load-on-demand in the LispWorks image as shipped. Therefore if you have not do (require "describe")
or called describe, *describe-level*
may be unbound.
CL-USER 23 > (describe 1) [... load output not shown ...] 1 is a BIT DECIMAL 1 HEX 1 OCTAL 1 BINARY 1 CL-USER 24 > *describe-level* 1 CL-USER 25 > (defstruct foo a s d) FOO CL-USER 26 > (defmethod describe-object ((f foo) (s stream)) (format s "FOO ~S~%" f) (describe (foo-a f) s)) #<STANDARD-METHOD DESCRIBE-OBJECT NIL (FOO STREAM) 2068295C> CL-USER 27 > (describe (make-foo :a (vector 1 2 3) :s 42)) FOO #S(FOO A #(1 2 3) S 42 D NIL) #(1 2 3)
To make describe operate on objects inside the structure instance, increase the value of *describe-level*
CL-USER 28 > (setf *describe-level* 2) 2 CL-USER 29 > (describe (make-foo :a (vector 1 2 3) :s 42)) FOO #S(FOO A #(1 2 3) S 42 D NIL) #(1 2 3) is a SIMPLE-VECTOR 0 1 1 2 2 3
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:27