Does unwind-protect blocking interrupts around the cleanups.
unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts-in-cleanups protected-form &rest cleanups => results
protected-form⇩ |
A form. |
cleanups⇩ |
Forms. |
results |
The values of protected-form. |
The macro unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts-in-cleanups
executes protected-form. On exit, whether local or not, cleanups are executed with interrupts blocked.
In compiled code, the macro is equivalent to:
(unwind-protect protected-form (mp:with-interrupts-blocked cleanup1 cleanup2 ..)
However, in interpreted code the macro is expanded to ensure that the body of mp:with-interrupts-blocked actually happens. If the form above is interpreted the evaluator may throw (if the process is killed, for example) before completing macroexpansion of mp:with-interrupts-blocked and doing the actual blocking.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:21