Controls the amount of whitespace in trace output.
The variable *trace-print-pretty*
controls the amount of whitespace printed during output from tracing. If it is not nil
then extra whitespace is inserted to make the output more comprehensible. *print-pretty* is bound to the value of *trace-print-pretty*
while printing tracing information.
USER 6 > (trace macroexpand-1)
MACROEXPAND-1 USER 7 > (setq *trace-print-pretty* t *print-pretty* nil)
NIL USER 8 > (defmacro sum (n) '(do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (res 0 (+ i res))) ((= i ,n) res)))
SUM USER 9 > (macroexpand-1 '(sum 3))
0 MACROEXPAND-1 > ((SUM 3)) 0 MACROEXPAND-1 < ((DO ((I 0 (1+ I)) (RES 0 (+ I RES))) ((= I 3) RES)) T) (DO ((I 0 (1+ I)) (RES 0 (+ I RES))) ((= I 3) RES)) T
is an extension to Common Lisp.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:21