All Manuals > LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual > 37 The HCL Package

toggle-source-debugging Function


Changes compiler settings affecting production of source level debugging information.




toggle-source-debugging &optional on => bool

Flag (t or nil) to control the resulting setting of the variables. The default is t.
The current state of source level debugging: t if source level debugging is on.

The function toggle-source-debugging sets certain compiler parameters to on, and also turns leaf case optimizations on (when on is nil) or off (when on is t). For all these parameters, the value nil reduces compilation time.

toggle-source-debugging is called in the configuration file a-dot-lispworks.lisp, and the initial state of LispWorks such that source level debugging is on.

The parameters relate to information required for source level debugging, cross-referencing and finding all changed definitions.

The parameters (all in the compiler package) are:


When true, the compiler produces information for the Cross Referencer.


When true, the cross-referencing information produced by the compiler is loaded when the corresponding file is loaded.


When true, the Cross Referencer notices when a function is redefined, including an interpreted redefinition..


When true, the compiler generates information used by the debugger.

toggle-source-debugging modifies the status of the variables, and then returns the new value. To check whether all the variables are set to true, without modifying them, use source-debugging-on-p.

Cross-referencing information is used by the functions who-calls, who-binds, who-references, who-sets, and friends.

Compatibility notes

In LispWorks 4.2 and earlier, toggle-source-debugging controlled source file recording information. In LispWorks 4.3 and later, this is controlled independently by *record-source-files*.

See also


LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:21