All Manuals > LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual > 14 LispWorks as a dynamic library

14.2 Creating a dynamic library

To deliver a LispWorks runtime as a dynamic library supply a list value for dll-exports when calling deliver.

To save a LispWorks image as a dynamic library supply a list value for dll-exports when calling save-image.

Additionally on Linux, x86/x64 Solaris, Macintosh and FreeBSD platforms, you can supply a list value for dll-added-files to deliver or save a dynamic library.

Note: a LispWorks dynamic library is licensed in the same way as a LispWorks executable.

14.2.1 C functions provided by the system

When LispWorks is a dynamic library the functions described in 52 Dynamic library C functions are automatically available. They allow the loading process control over relocation and unloading of the library.

14.2.2 C functions provided by the application

dll-exports specifies application-defined exported functions in a LispWorks dynamic library.

Exports can also be provided in the files named in dll-added-files, on Linux, x86/x64 Solaris, Macintosh and FreeBSD platforms.

14.2.3 Example

This script saves an image hello.dll which is a Windows DLL:

-------------------- hello.lisp -------------------------
(in-package "CL-USER")
;; The signature of this function is suitable for use with
;; rundll32.exe.
(fli:define-foreign-callable ("Hello"
                              :calling-convention :stdcall)
    ((hwnd w:hwnd)
     (hinst w:hinstance)
     (string :pointer)
     (cmd-show :int))
  (capi:display-message "Hello world"))
(save-image "hello"
            :dll-exports '("Hello")
            :environment nil)

Run the script by:

lispworks-8-1-0-x86-win32.exe -build hello.lisp

on the command line, or use the Application Builder tool.

(See 13.3 Saving a LispWorks image for more information about how to save an image.)

You can test the DLL by running:

rundll32 hello.dll,Hello

on the command line.

To see the dialog, you may need to dismiss the LispWorks splashscreen first.

LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:03