Returns the locations of the definitions of a name.
find-name-locations classes name => locations
classes⇩ |
A list of dspec class names. |
name⇩ |
A name. |
locations⇩ |
A list of pairs (recorded-dspec location). |
The function find-name-locations
returns the locations of the relevant definitions for name in the classes listed in classes.
For each known definition recorded-dspec names the definition that defined name in location, and location is a pathname or keyword as described in at-location.
The location information is collected from all finders on *active-finders*, that is, the relevant definitions are those known to at least one of these finders.
If two or more finders return the same pair (recorded-dspec location), as compared by dspec-equal and location equality, then only the first occurrence of the pair (in the order of *active-finders*) appears in locations.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:18