Controls whether binding frames are printed in debugger output.
The variable *print-binding-frames*
is used by the debugger when it displays the stack frames. Binding frames are formed when special variables are bound, but are normally not shown by the debugger. However if the value of *print-binding-frames*
is true then the binding frames are shown.
can be set to value by:
(set-debugger-options :bindings value)
is an extension to Common Lisp.
CL-USER 16 > (defun print-to-length (object length) (let ((*print-length* length)) (prinnt object))) PRINT-TO-LENGTH CL-USER 17 > (setf dbg:*print-binding-frames* t) T CL-USER 18 > (print-to-length '(x y z) 2) Error: Undefined operator PRINNT in form (PRINNT OBJECT). 1 (continue) Try invoking PRINNT again. 2 Return some values from the form (PRINNT OBJECT). 3 Try invoking something other than PRINNT with the same arguments. 4 Set the symbol-function of PRINNT to another function. 5 Set the macro-function of PRINNT to another function. 6 (abort) Return to level 0. 7 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 19 : 1 > :n print-to-length Interpreted call to PRINT-TO-LENGTH CL-USER 20 : 1 > :b :verbose 5 Interpreted call to PRINT-TO-LENGTH: OBJECT : (X Y Z) LENGTH : 2 *PRINT-LENGTH* : 2 Block environment contour: Tag environment contour: Function environment contour Variable environment contour: () Tag environment contour: Block environment contour: Function environment contour Variable environment contour: () Call to EVAL (offset 184) EXP : (PRINT-TO-LENGTH (QUOTE (X Y Z)) 2) Binding frame: SYSTEM::*TOP-LOOP-ACTIVE* : -1 COMPILER::*IN-COMPILER-HANDLER* : #<Unbound Marker> * : NIL ** : NIL *** : NIL - : NIL + : NIL ++ : NIL +++ : NIL /// : NIL // : NIL / : NIL SYSTEM::*TOP-LOOP-HOOK* : NIL SYSTEM::*USER-COMMANDS* : NIL SYSTEM::*IN-TOP-LEVEL-READ-A-COMMAND* : NIL CL-USER 21 : 1 >
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:17