Extended to add extra control over parsing of class options and slot options, optimization of slot access, and checking of initargs.
defclass name superclasses slot-specifiers {class-option}*
name⇩ |
A symbol. |
superclasses⇩ |
A list of class names. |
slot-specifiers⇩ |
A list of slot specifiers. |
class-option⇩ |
A list whose car is a keyword. |
The macro defclass
is as defined in the ANSI standard with the following extensions.
name and superclasses are processed as in the ANSI standard.
For extra class options in class-option, you may need to define the way these are parsed at defclass
macroexpansion time. See process-a-class-option for details.
For non-standard slot options in slot-specifiers, you may need to define the way these are parsed at defclass
macroexpansion time. See process-a-slot-option for details.
By default, standard slot accessors, and access by slot-value to an argument of a method where the specializer is a class defined by defclass
, are optimized such that they do not call slot-value-using-class. This optimization can be switched off using the :
class option.
To add valid initialization arguments for the class, use the class option :
. The argument passed via this option is evaluated, and should return a list of extra initialization arguments for the class. make-instance and other CLOS initializations (see set-clos-initarg-checking) will treat these as valid when checking their arguments.
This session illustrates the effects of the :optimize-slot-access
class option. When true, slot access is more efficient but note that slot-value-using-class is not called.
CL-USER 26 > (compile '(defclass foo () ((a :type fixnum :initarg :a :reader foo-a)))) NIL CL-USER 27 > (compile '(defclass bar () ((a :type fixnum :initarg :a :reader bar-a)) (:optimize-slot-access nil))) NIL CL-USER 28 > (setf *foo* (make-instance 'foo :a 42) *bar* (make-instance 'bar :a 99)) #<BAR 21D33D4C> CL-USER 29 > (progn (time (dotimes (i 1000000) (foo-a *foo*))) (time (dotimes (i 1000000) (bar-a *bar*)))) Timing the evaluation of (DOTIMES (I 1000000) (FOO-A *FOO*)) user time = 0.328 system time = 0.015 Elapsed time = 0:00:00 Allocation = 2280 bytes standard / 11002882 bytes conses 0 Page faults Timing the evaluation of (DOTIMES (I 1000000) (BAR-A *BAR*)) user time = 0.406 system time = 0.015 Elapsed time = 0:00:00 Allocation = 4304 bytes standard / 11004521 bytes conses 0 Page faults NIL CL-USER 30 > (trace (clos:slot-value-using-class :when (and (member (first *traced-arglist*) (list (find-class 'foo) (find-class 'bar))) (eq (third *traced-arglist*) 'a)))) (CLOS:SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS) CL-USER 31 > (foo-a *foo*) 42 CL-USER 32 > (bar-a *bar*) 0 CLOS:SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS > ... >> CLASS : #<STANDARD-CLASS BAR 214897F4> >> CLOS::OBJECT : #<BAR 2148820C> >> CLOS::SLOT-NAME : A 0 CLOS:SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS < ... << VALUE-0 : 99 99
This session illustrates the :extra-initargs
class option:
CL-USER 46 > (defclass a () () (:extra-initargs '(:a-initarg))) #<STANDARD-CLASS A 21C2E4FC> CL-USER 47 > (defclass b (a) () (:extra-initargs '(:b-initarg))) #<STANDARD-CLASS B 2068573C> CL-USER 48 > (defclass c (a) ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS C 22829D44> CL-USER 49 > (make-instance 'b :a-initarg "A" :b-initarg "B") #<B 2068BCE4> CL-USER 50 > (make-instance 'c :a-initarg "A" :b-initarg "B") Error: MAKE-INSTANCE is called with unknown keyword :B-INITARG among the arguments (C :A-INITARG "A" :B-INITARG "B") which is not one of (:A-INITARG). 1 (continue) Ignore the keyword :B-INITARG 2 (abort) Return to level 0. 3 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 51 : 1 >
defclass in the Common Lisp HyperSpec
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:15