Closes a wait-state-collection and all of its states.
close-wait-state-collection collection
collection⇩ |
The function close-wait-state-collection
closes all of the states in collection. That means that the underlying communication object is closed and the async-io-state objects that are currently associated with collection cannot be used for further I/O and will not receive callbacks anymore.
does not do anything that affects further processing in collection. In particular, you can add new states to the collection afterwards, and waiting and calling, either by loop-processing-wait-state-collection or wait-for-wait-state-collection and call-wait-state-collection, can continue. loop-processing-wait-state-collection does not stop if close-wait-state-collection
is called inside it.
is a "nasty" call, because it just kills any async-io-state associated with the collection. Normally should only be used only when you stop using the collection.
cannot be called on a collection in parallel to itself or loop-processing-wait-state-collection, wait-for-wait-state-collection or call-wait-state-collection. It can be called inside the scope of call-wait-state-collection, and loop-processing-wait-state-collection.
You can use apply-in-wait-state-collection-process to cause execution inside the scope of call-wait-state-collection.
25.8.2 The Async-I/O-State API
25 TCP and UDP socket communication and SSL
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:11