Asynchronously sends a message on an unconnected socket.
async-io-state-send-message-to-address (async-io-state hostspec service buffer callback &key start end timeout error-callback user-info)
async-io-state⇩ |
An async-io-state. |
Specify the socket address to send to in the standard way. | |
buffer⇩ |
A cl:base-string or an 8-bit cl:simple-array. |
callback⇩ |
A function designator for a function of 1 argument. |
start⇩ |
A lower bounding index designator for buffer. |
end⇩ |
An upper bounding index designator for buffer. |
timeout⇩ | nil or a non-negative real. |
error-callback⇩ |
A function designator. |
user-info⇩ |
A Lisp object. |
The function async-io-state-send-message-to-address
asynchronously sends a message from buffer between start and end to the socket address which is specified by hostspec and service. For the interpretation of hostspec and service see 25.4 Specifying the target for connecting and binding a socket.
The default value of start is 0. The default value of end is the length of buffer.
The socket in async-io-state must not be connected. When the sending is successful, callback is called with async-io-state as its only argument.
error-callback, timeout, start, end and user-info have the same meaning as in async-io-state-write-buffer.
is typically used only with an async-io-state containing a UDP socket, created by create-async-io-state-and-udp-socket, create-async-io-state-and-connected-udp-socket or calling create-async-io-state with udp non-nil.async-io-state-send-message-to-address
uses the family of the socket to decide whether to look for IPv6 or IPv4 addresses. If async-io-state was created by create-async-io-state, the ipv6 argument to create-async-io-state must match the family of the socket for async-io-state-send-message-to-address
to work.(example-edit-file "async-io/udp")
25.8.2 The Async-I/O-State API
25 TCP and UDP socket communication and SSL
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:11