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async-io-state-read-with-checking Function


Repeatedly tries to read bytes from an async-io-state, and invokes a callback.




async-io-state-read-with-checking async-io-state callback &key timeout max-read error-callback user-info element-type

A function designator for a function of 3 arguments, or nil.
nil or a positive real.
A positive integer.
A function designator for a function of 3 arguments, or nil.
A Lisp object.
A type specifier.

The function async-io-state-read-with-checking repeatedly tries to read up to async-io-state-max-read more bytes from async-io-state, append them to the internal buffer and call callback like this:

callback async-io-state buffer end

async-io-state is the argument to async-io-state-read-with-checking, buffer is a cl:simple-array of element type element-type containing data from index 0 up to end, and end is a positive integer indicating the end of the filled part of buffer.

The buffer must not be modified or accessed outside the scope of the callback or after async-io-state-discard or async-io-state-finish have been called.

The element type of buffer is element-type, which can be base-char, (unsigned-byte 8) or (signed-byte 8). The default value of element-type is base-char.

The callback is responsible for processing the data in the buffer and optionally indicating that the read operation is complete as follows:

If the operation does not finish within the state's async-io-state-read-timeout period then the callback is called with the state's async-io-state-read-status set to :timeout.

If an error occurs during the I/O operation and error-callback is non-nil, then error-callback is called like this:

error-callback async-io-state buffer end

If error-callback is nil, then callback is called, so it should check for errors using async-io-state-read-status.

If timeout, max-read or user-info are supplied then they set async-io-state-read-timeout, async-io-state-max-read and async-io-state-user-info in async-io-state for this and subsequent operations.

If another read operation is in progress on the state, an error is signaled.


Once the callback has called async-io-state-finish it can start further reading operations on async-io-state. The accessors async-io-state-read-timeout, async-io-state-max-read and async-io-state-user-info can be used to read and write the corresponding values in the callback.

callback and error-callback are called in the same process that processes the wait-state-collection of async-io-state (see 25.8.3 Writing callbacks in Asynchronous I/O operations).


Reading http headers, which are separated from the http body by two consecutive newlines. We assume these functions:

1. my-parse-http-headers which takes a buffer, start and end and returns a parsed headers-object.

2. my-read-http-body takes an async-io-state, headers-object and a user-defined object and reads the body via the Async-IO-State API.

3. my-record-socket-error which takes a user defined object and the error flag and handles a socket error.

4. find-nn-in-buffer which takes buffer, start and end and returns the index of the first two consecutive newlines if any.

The callback is defined like this:

(defun http-header-reading-callback (state buffer end)
  (if-let (cannot-read
           (async-io-state-read-status state))
       (async-io-state-user-info state)
    (let ((start (async-io-state-old-length state)))
      (let ((start-search-for-nn
             (if (zerop start) 0 (1- start))))
        (when-let (h-end (find-nn-in-buffer
          (let ((h-object (my-parse-http-headers
                           buffer 0 h-end)))
            (async-io-state-finish state (+ h-end 2))
             (async-io-state-user-info state))))))))

The callback is used like this:

See also

25.8.2 The Async-I/O-State API
25 TCP and UDP socket communication and SSL

LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:11