Returns either an integer representing an IPv4 address or an ipv6-address object from the given IP address string.
string-ip-address ip-address-string => ip-address
ip-address-string⇩ |
A string denoting an IP address in either dotted format for IPv4 or standard IPv6 format. |
ip-address |
Either an integer representing an IPv4 address, or an ipv6-address object. |
The function string-ip-address
takes a string and tries to parse as an IP address. If ip-address-string is in a proper dotted IP address format, it returns an integer representing an IPv4 address. Otherwise it tries to read it as an IPv6 address using parse-ipv6-address (with trim-whitespace-p nil
), which returns an ipv6-address object if it is successful or nil
if it fails.
25 TCP and UDP socket communication and SSL
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:11