A foreign pointer corresponding to the Apple Security Framework type SSLContextRef
Instances of the FLI type ssl-context-ref
are FLI pointers corresponding to the C type SSLContextRef
in the Apple Security Framework. When LispWorks itself creates such objects, it creates the FLI pointer. You can get such pointers by calling ssl-connection-ssl-ref on the SSL connection object (a socket-stream or an async-io-state). A ssl-context-ref
is passed to the callback specified by apple-configure-callback in create-ssl-server-context and create-ssl-client-context, and to the callback specified by ssl-configure-callback (when not using an ssl-abstract-context, see 25.9.6 Keyword arguments for use with SSL).
is also a Lisp type, and can be used with typep, typecase and as a specializer in CLOS methods. This is useful if you want to write code that takes a SSL connection and want to do different things according to the implementation type.
You can also create a ssl-context-ref
yourself using the functions from the Apple Security Framework, and then pass it with the :ssl-ctx
keyword to attach-ssl, async-io-state-attach-ssl or make-instance with socket-stream. When you do that, it is your resposibility to perform all the required configurations except setting the I/O functions and connection, which LispWorks always sets itself. For example:
(fli:define-foreign-function (my-create-client-ssl-context-ref "my_create_client_ssl_context_ref") ((options integer)) :result-type comm:ssl-context-ref) ... (multiple-value-bind (stream maybe-error) (comm:open-tcp-stream server-name port-number) (if stream (progn (comm:attach-ssl stream :ssl-ctx (my-create-client-ssl-context-ref options)) stream) (my-signal-failure-to-open server-name port-number maybe-error)))
Note: when a ssl-context-ref
is passed to LispWorks using :ssl-ctx
as above, LispWorks takes ownership of it and will release it when the stream is closed. You cannot use the object in the call to open-tcp-stream, because there would be no way to ensure that it is released correctly if an error is signaled.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:11