The superclass for all instances of funcallable-standard-class
and its subclasses.
The class funcallable-standard-object
is a metaclass that provides the default :direct-superclasses
for instances of funcallable-standard-class
and its subclasses.
is implemented as described in AMOP except for a different order in the class precedence list.
In AMOP the class precedence list is:
(funcallable-standard-object standard-object function t)
whereas in LispWorks the class precedence list is:
(funcallable-standard-object function standard-object t)
LispWorks is like this to be compliant with the rules in the ANSI Common Lisp Standard.
The AMOP class precedence list implies a class precedence for generic-function which violates the last sentence in ANSI Common Lisp 4.2.2 Type Relationships. See .
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:10