We have already seen how a before and an after piece of advice may be combined, and this section describes the general algorithm. There are three types of advice: before, after and around. These resemble before, after and around methods in CLOS. There may be several pieces of each type of advice present for a particular function.
The first step in working out how the combination is done is to order the pieces of advice. All the around advice comes first, then all the before advice, then the original definition, and lastly the after advice. The order within each of the around, before and after sections defaults to the order in which the pieces of advice were defined (that is most recent first). See defadvice for details of how to control the ordering of advice within each section.
The remainder of this section discusses what happens when a function that has advice is called.
First we deal with the case when there is no around advice present. Here each of the pieces of before advice are called in turn, with the same arguments that were given to the function, next the original definition is called with these arguments, and finally each of the pieces of after advice is called in reverse order with the same arguments (so that by default the most recently added piece of after advice is invoked last). The results returned by the function call are the values produced by the last piece of after advice to be called (if there is one), or by the original definition (if there is no after advice).
Note that none of these bits of code should destructively modify the arguments that they receive. Adding a piece of before advice thus provides a simple way of specifying some additional action to be performed before the original definition, and before any older bits of before advice. Adding a piece of after advice allows you to specify extra actions to be performed after the original definition, and after any older bits of after advice. The advice facility automatically links together these bits of advice with the original function definition.
Next we shall discuss the use of around advice, which provides you with greater control than do before and after advice. Let us suppose that a function that has some around advice is called. The arguments to the function are passed to the code associated with the first piece of around advice in the ordering, and the values returned by that piece of advice are the results of the function. There is no requirement for the advice to invoke any other pieces of advice, nor to call the original definition of the function.
However the code for any piece of around advice has access to the next member of the ordering, which it may invoke any number of times by calling call-next-advice. So it is possible for each piece of around advice to call its successor in the ordering if this is desired, and then the bits of around advice are called in turn in a similar fashion to our earlier description for before and after advice. However in the case of around advice the decision whether or not to call the next piece of advice is directly under your control, and you are free to modify the arguments received by the piece of advice, and to choose the arguments to be given to the next piece of advice if it is called.
If the last piece of around advice in the ordering calls call-next-advice, then it invokes the combination of before and after advice and the original definition that was discussed earlier. That is, the arguments to the call are given in the sequence described above to each of the before pieces of advice, then to the original definition and then to the after pieces of advice. The call to call-next-advice returns with the values produced by the last of these subsidiary calls, and the around advice may use these values in any way.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:01