The code for the tutorial (2 Tutorial) is reproduced for easy reference.
; -*-mode : lisp ; package : kw-user -*- (in-package kw-user) ;;; ---------------- OBJECT DEFINITIONS ------------ (def-kb-class node () ((animal :initform nil :accessor node-animal :initarg :animal) (question :initform nil :accessor node-question :initarg :question) (yes-node :initform nil :accessor node-yes-node :initarg :yes-node) (no-node :initform nil :accessor node-no-node :initarg :no-node))) (def-kb-class root () ((node :initform nil :accessor root-node :initarg :node))) (def-kb-struct current-node node) (def-kb-struct game-over node animal answer) ;;; -------------- FORWARD CHAINING RULES ------------- ;;; if there is no question we are about to ask then ;;; ask the question which is the root question of the ;;; question tree (defrule play :forward (root ?r node ?node) (not (current-node ? node ?)) --> ((tk:send-a-message (format nil " ANIMAL GUESSING GAME - ~ think of an animal to continue"))) (assert (current-node ? node ?node))) ;;; ask a yes/no question - these are non-leaf questions (defrule y-n-question :forward (current-node ?current node ?node) (node ?node animal nil question ?q yes-node ?y-n no-node ?n-n) --> ((tk:confirm-yes-or-no ?q) ?answer) (erase ?current) ((find-new-node ?answer ?y-n ?n-n) ?new-current) (assert (current-node ? node ?new-current))) (defun find-new-node (answer yes-node no-node) (if answer yes-node no-node)) ;;; ask an animal question - these a leaf questions (defrule animal-question :forward (current-node ?current node ?node) (node ?node animal ?animal question nil) --> ((tk:confirm-yes-or-no (format nil "Is it a ~a?" ?animal)) ?answer) (erase ?current) (assert (game-over ? node ?node animal ?animal answer ?answer))) ;;; add new nodes to the tree for the new animal and ;;; the question that distinguishes it (defrule new-question :forward :priority 20 (game-over ? node ?node animal ?animal answer nil) --> (fetch-new-animal ?new-animal) ((tk:popup-prompt-for-string (format nil "Tell me a question for which the ~ answer is yes for a ~a and no for a ~a" ?new-animal ?animal)) ?question) (assert (node ?yes-node question nil animal ?new-animal)) (assert (node ?no-node question nil animal ?animal)) (assert (node ?node animal nil yes-node ?yes-node no-node ?no-node question ?question))) ;;; game is over (defrule game-finished :forward :priority 15 (game-over ?g) --> (erase ?g) ; (test (not (tk:confirm-yes-or-no "Play again?"))) (return)) ;;; --------------- BACKWARD CHAINING ---------------- ;;; prompt user for new animal (defrule fetch-new-animal :backward ((fetch-new-animal ?new-animal) <-- ; (repeat) ((string-upcase (tk:popup-prompt-for-string "What was your animal?")) ?new-animal) (not (= ?new-animal "NIL")) ; check if abort was pressed (or (does-not-exist-already ?new-animal) (and ((tk:send-a-message "Animal exists already")) (fail))))) ;;; check if a node already refers to this animal (defrule does-not-exist-already :backward ((does-not-exist-already ?animal) <-- (node ? animal ?animal) (cut) (fail)) ((does-not-exist-already ?animal) <-- )) ;;; --------------- SAVING THE ANIMAL BASE ------------ ;;; writes out code which when loaded reconstructs the ;;; tree of questions (defun save-animals (filename) (let* ((start-node (any `?node `(root ? node ?node))) (code `(make-instance `root :node ,(node-code start-node))) (*print-pretty* t)) (with-open-file (stream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (write `(in-package kw-user) :stream stream) (write-char #\Newline stream) (write code :stream stream)) nil)) (defun node-code (node) (when node `(make-instance `node :question ,(node-question node) :animal `,(node-animal node) :yes-node ,(node-code (node-yes-node node)) :no-node ,(node-code (node-no-node node)))))
KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:34