The preferences can also be used to configure how the Function Call Browser displays graphical information in the Called By and Calls Into views. Click on the Called By Layout tab or the Calls Into Layout tab in the Preferences. Both views perform the same operations on the relevant Function Call Browser view.
A layout view in the Function Call Browser preferences
The layout radio buttons are used to set the direction in which the graph is displayed. The default setting is Left to Right.
The Max. Expansion settings determine how much of the graph to display. The default depth value is 2 - this ensures that only functions that directly call (or are directly called by) are shown in the graph. If this value were set to 3, for example, then functions that call a function that calls the function being browsed would also be displayed.
The breadth value has a default value of 40, and sets how many functions are displayed at each level of the graph.
The Rotation checkbox determines whether the graph layout can be rotated when in plan mode. By default it is unchecked.
You can enter plan mode when displaying a graph by selecting Enter Plan Mode from the context menu. If rotation is enabled and the plan is smaller than the graph, you can rotate the plan by holding down the Shift
key and moving the mouse left or right.
LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:19