Any frame in the Backtrace list can be operated on using commands in the Debug > Frame menu. This menu is also available as a popup from the backtrace area itself. The commands available allow you to operate on the function displayed in the selected frame.
Choose Debug > Frame > Find Source to search for the source code definition of the object pointed to by the current frame. If it is found, the file is displayed in the Editor: the cursor is placed at the start of the definition or at the subform which cause the error, if known. The form is highlighted. See 12 The Editor for an introduction to the Editor.
Choose Debug > Frame > Documentation to display the Common Lisp documentation for the object pointed to by the current frame, if any exists. Note that this is the result of the Common Lisp function documentation, not the supplied manuals. It is printed in a special Output Browser window.
Choose Debug > Frame > Inspect Function to display an Inspector tool showing the selected frame's function.
Choose Debug > Frame > Method Combination to display a Generic Function Browser tool in the Method Combinations view for the arguments in the selected frame. This command is only available when the selected frame is a call to a standard method. See 15.2 Examining information about combined methods for information about using the Method Combinations view.
Choose Debug > Frame > Restart Frame to continue execution from the selected restart frame. The action that is taken when choosing this command is printed with each restart frame in the Backtrace area. Note that restart frames must be listed for this command to be available: see 10.9.1 Configuring the call frames displayed for details.
Choose Debug > Frame > Restart Frame Stepping to step through execution from the selected restart frame. This frame becomes the active frame in a Stepper tool. See 25 The Stepper for information about using the Stepper tool.
Choose Debug > Frame > Return from Frame to resume execution from the selected frame. A dialog prompts for a value to return from the selected frame. Previously entered values are available via a dropdown in this dialog. This option allows you to continue execution smoothly after you have corrected the error which caused entry into the debugger.
Choose Debug > Frame > Break On Return from Frame to trap execution when it returns from the selected frame. This command prints a message telling you that the trap has been set, and when Lisp returns from the frame it calls break, allowing you to enter the debugger again.
Choose Debug > Frame > Trace to display the standard Trace menu. This lets you trace the function in the selected frame in a variety of ways: see 3.10 Tracing symbols from tools for details.
LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:15