All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 11 The Tracer

11.3 Examining the output of tracing

When you call a function that is traced, LispWorks collects information about the arguments it was called with and the values that it returned. This information is printed to the trace output stream, which might be the Listener or the Background Output. In addition, if a Tracer tool is on the screen, the information is shown in its Output Text view and collected in its Output Data view in a tree format.

11.3.1 The Output Data view

Each call is a node in the tree with a icon. Double-click on it to show the source of that function, if available, in the Editor.

A call node has several kinds of subnode:

You can collapse the tree by clicking on the toolbar button.

You can clear the trace output data from the display by clicking on the toolbar button.

You can restore the last cleared output data by clicking on the toolbar button.

11.3.2 The Output Text view

This simply displays the textual trace output.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:38:35