The Interface Builder has three views that help you to design a window.
The Interface Builder has its own menu bar, containing commands that let you work with a loaded interface, or any of its components.
To create an Interface Builder, choose Tools > Interface Builder from the podium.
The Interface Builder
Because the Interface Builder generates source code which uses the CAPI library, this chapter assumes at least a minimum knowledge of the CAPI. See the CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual for details.
A complete example showing you how to use the Interface Builder to design an interface, and how to integrate the design with your own code, is given in in the last section of this chapter (see 19.9 Example: Using The Interface Builder). You are strongly advised to work through this example after reading this chapter, or in conjunction with it.
LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:38:44