All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 20 The Listener

20.9 The Debug menu

This menu allows you to perform command line debugger operations upon the current stack frame. The menu is only available when the debugger has been invoked by some activity within the Listener.

Some of the most commonly-used command line debugger commands are available from the Debug menu. You can also invoke the debugger tool from this menu.

Choose Debug > Restarts to display a submenu containing all the possible restarts for the debugger, including the abort and continue restarts. Choose any of the commands on this submenu to invoke the appropriate restart. Note that the continue and abort restarts are also available on the toolbar.

Choose Debug > Listener > Backtrace to produce a backtrace of the error.

Choose Debug > Listener > Bindings to display information about the current stack frame.

Choose Debug > Frame > Find Source to find the source code definition of the function at the current call frame and display it in an editor.

Choose Debug > Listener > Next to move to the next call frame in the stack.

Choose Debug > Listener > Previous to move to the previous call frame in the stack.

Choose Debug > Start GUI Debugger to invoke a debugger tool on the current error. See 10 The Debugger Tool, for full details about using this tool.

Choose Debug > Report Bug to report a bug in LispWorks.

You can also invoke any of the commands from this menu by typing keyboard commands into the Listener itself. See the LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual for more details.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:59