All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 13 The Code Coverage Browser

13.6 Creating new Data

You can create (and optionally save) code coverage data containing a subset of the files currently listed by using Code Coverage > Copy To New Data.... This menu command raises a dialog where you enter the name of the new data, select the criterion for including a file, and specify whether the new data becomes the current data, whether it is added to the history, and whether it is saved.

The criterion for including files can be Only selected files, Only displayed files, or All files. The list of displayed files differs from the list of all files when your filter excludes some of them, as described in 13.2 Displaying a Code Coverage data.

Clicking OK creates the new data containing a copy of the information for the included files. The new data is independent of the old data and does not share any of its structure. Depending on your selections in the dialog, the new data may be made the current data, added to history and saved. If you selected to save, you are prompted for a filename to save it in. The saving is done by using hcl:save-code-coverage-data.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:55