All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 8 The Object Clipboard

8.1 Placing objects on the Object Clipboard

You can place an object on the Object Clipboard by using the menu command Clip, available in most tools as described below..

8.1.1 The Listener

To place the current object of a Listener on the Object Clipboard (that is, the value of the variable cl:*), choose Values > Clip in the Listener.

If your Listener is in the debugger, you can clip the condition object by Debug > Condition > Clip.

8.1.2 The Class Browser

To place a class from the Class Browser on the Object Clipboard, select the class name in the Hierarchy, Superclasses, Subclasses or Precedence tab, and choose Classes > Clip.

To place a slot definition object from the Class Browser on the Object Clipboard, select the slot name in the Slots tab, and choose Slots > Clip.

To place a method or generic function object from the Class Browser on the Object Clipboard, select it in the Functions tab, and choose Methods > Clip.

8.1.3 The Inspector

To place the currently inspected object in the Inspector on the Object Clipboard, choose Object > Clip.

To place the value in a slot of the currently inspected object, select the slot in the Inspector, and choose Slots > Clip.

8.1.4 The Function Call Browser

To place the current function on the Object Clipboard, choose Function > Clip. If you have selected a function name in the Function Call Browser, that function is clipped instead.

8.1.5 The Generic Function Browser

To place a method from the Generic Function Browser on the Object Clipboard, select the method and choose Methods > Clip. For the generic function object itself, choose Function > Clip.

8.1.6 The Debugger

To place the condition object from the Debugger tool on the Object Clipboard, choose Condition > Clip.

To place the value of a variable in the Debugger's backtrace area on the Object Clipboard, select the variable and choose Variables > Clip.

8.1.7 The Stepper

To place the value of a variable in the Stepper's Backtrace tab onto the Object Clipboard, select the variable and choose Variables > Clip.

8.1.8 The System Browser

To place the system object from the System Browser onto the Object Clipboard, choose Systems > Clip.

8.1.9 General clipping

To place any CAPI top level window itself on the Object Clipboard, choose Window > Interface > Clip.

To place data from a Description panel, such as in the Class Browser or in the Tree tab of the Compilation Conditions Browser, select the desired parts of the Description and choose Description > Clip.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:49