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6.2 Customizing Lisp indentation

The indentation used for Lisp forms can be modified to suit the preferences of the user.

The default indentations can be found in the file config/indents.lisp in the LispWorks library directory. If you want to alter your personal Lisp indentation, put the modifying code in your .lispworks file.

editor:setup-indent Function

editor:setup-indent form-name no-of-args &optional standard special

Modifies the indentation, in Lisp Mode, for the text following an instance of form-name. The arguments no-of-args, standard and special should all be integers. The first no-of-args forms following the form-name become indented special spaces if they are on a new line. All remaining forms within the scope of the form-name become indented standard spaces.

For example, the default indentation for if in Lisp code is established by:

(editor:setup-indent "if" 2 2 4)

This determines that the first 2 forms after the if (that is, the test and the then clauses) get indented 4 spaces relative to the if, and any further forms (here, just an else clause) are indented by 2 spaces.

Editor User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:53