For details of the functions delivery-value, deliver-keywords, delivery-shaker-cleanup and delivery-shaker-weak-pointer which allow you fine-grained control during the delivery process, if required, see 16 Delivery Reference Entries.
The function hcl:delivered-image-p is the predicate for whether the running image is a delivered image, that is an image saved by a call to deliver.
The action list "Delivery actions" is executed when the delivery process starts, before any system action. For example, if *my-hash-table*
contains entries that are not required in the delivered application, then you may write:
(defun clear-my-hash-table() (maphash #'(lambda (x y) (unless (required-in-the-application-p x y) (remhash x *my-hash-table*))) *my-hash-table*)) (define-action "delivery actions" "Clear my hash table" 'clear-my-hash-table)
Using the action list has two advantages (over the crude method of removing code by fmakunbound and so on):
. This makes it easier to maintain that code.Delivery User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:41