This section provides a topic-based index to the descriptions of deliver keywords. Use the topic headings to find a keyword related to a particular kind of delivery task, then look it up on the page given to see how to use it.
The following keywords control aspects of the delivered application's behavior. There are keywords for specifying startup banners, application icons, image security, and so on.
The following keywords can be used to help test and debug the application either during delivery or at run time. There are keywords for encoding test routines into the delivered application, for ensuring that features such as the debugger and the read-eval-print loop are kept in the image, for performing delivery without writing the image out to disk, and so on.
The following keywords control aspects of the executable or dynamic library.
The following keywords control the behavior of the delivery process itself. They do not affect the delivered application's behavior or the debugging information generated.
The keywords listed in this section control the main part of the delivery process, involved in keeping things in and deleting things from the image. Most of the deliver keywords are in this general category, so it has been split up into a number of subcategories.
The following keywords control the invocation of the treeshaker and garbage collector during delivery:
The following keywords are for examining, for keeping and for removing data information in the image about structured data: structures, classes and so on.
The following keywords are for examining, for keeping and for removing symbols, functions, and entire packages from the image.
Keywords for keeping and for removing editor commands and LispWorks environment tools:
The following keywords are for keeping and for removing code loading facilities, fasl dumping facilities, special printing code, and so on, from the image.
The following keywords are for keeping and for removing code facilitating dynamic run time activities, such as macroexpansion, evaluation, use of the Common Lisp reader and the lexer, and so on, from the image.
The following keywords are for keeping and for removing code from the image that can handle certain numerical types:
The following keywords are for controlling the preservation or deletion of conditions.
Delivery User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:39