Retrieves information stored in a com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error.
com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error-info condition fields => field-values
condition⇩ | |
fields⇩ |
A list of keywords as specified below. |
field-values⇩ |
A list. |
The function com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error-info
retrieves information about the exception from condition. The keywords in fields are used to select which information is returned in field-values, which is a list of values corresponding to each keyword in fields.
The following keyword are supported in fields:
:code |
The error code. |
:source |
The source of the error. |
:description |
The description of the error. |
:help-file |
The help file for the error. |
:help-context |
The help context for the error. |
(handler-case (com:invoke-dispatch-method counter "Run") (com:com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error (condition) (destructuring-bind (code description) (com:com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error-info condition '(:code :description)) (format *error-output* "Run failed with code ~D, description ~S." code description))))
COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:56