A complete dynamic implementation of the i-dispatch
:interface-name |
The name of the interface to implement. See query-simple-i-dispatch-interface for details on how this is used. |
:invoke-callback |
A function that is called with four arguments whenever one of the interface's methods is invoked. The arguments are the callback object, the method name as a string, the method type (a keyword :method , :get or :put ) and a vector of the method's arguments. The value returned by the function will be returned to the caller of the method See com-object-dispinterface-invoke for more details of the method name, type and arguments. |
The class simple-i-dispatch
provides a complete implementation of the i-dispatch interface, without requiring a type library to be parsed. The type information is obtained at run-time when query-simple-i-dispatch-interface is called. The class inherits from standard-i-dispatch to provide the i-unknown interface.
The simple-i-dispatch-refguid
reader can be used to return the refguid of the interface. This can only be called after query-simple-i-dispatch-interface has been called.
The implementation obtains the callback object argument to the invoke-callback by calling simple-i-dispatch-callback-object with the simple-i-dispatch
object. The default method returns the simple-i-dispatch
object itself, but this method can be overridden for subclasses to return some other object.
Before using simple-i-dispatch
directly, consider the functions set-i-dispatch-event-handler and create-instance-with-events, which provide an succinct way to provide an event callback.
COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:56