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print-i-dispatch-methods Function


Prints the defined methods for an i-dispatch.




print-i-dispatch-methods i-dispatch &optional arguments-p

An i-dispatch interface object.
A boolean.

The function print-i-dispatch-methods prints the methods that are defined for the i-dispatch i-dispatch.

print-i-dispatch-methods tries to get the information about the methods of i-dispatch and print them in a readable format. If arguments-p is nil then for each each method it prints its name, followed by the invocation type(s) inside curly brackets. Invocation types are:

"Put", "Putref"

If arguments-p is true, print-i-dispatch-methods also prints the types of the arguments for each method. The type of each argument is shown as a plain string followed by the name of the VT_… constant delimited by curly brackets. The type may be preceded by:

By reference
Means the argument has VT_BYREF. The argument in that is passed in Lisp should be the actual type. By reference argument values are returned as multiple values, following the return value of the method if it has one.
Array of
Means it got VT_ARRAY. The argument in Lisp should be an array.
Array of references

Means it got VT_ARRAY and VT_BYREF. The argument needs to be an array of the actual type.

The default value of arguments-p is nil.

  1. print-i-dispatch-methods gives only partial information, and is therefore useful only for the simple methods where it is pretty obvious what the arguments are. If the arguments are not obvious, you will need to read the actual documentation.
  2. The type Variant means any type, but note that the method may accept only specific types even if the argument is variant.
See also

3.3.2 Calling Automation methods without a type library

COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:56