Calls an Automation property getter method from a particular interface.
call-dispatch-get-property spec {arg}* => value*
spec ::= (dispinterface-ptr dispinterface-name method-name)
spec |
The interface pointer and a specification of the method to be called. |
arg⇩ |
Arguments to the method (see 3.3.3 Data conversion when calling Automation methods for details). |
dispinterface-ptr⇩ |
A form which is evaluated to yield a COM i-dispatch interface pointer. |
dispinterface-name⇩ |
A symbol which names the Automation interface. It is not evaluated. |
method-name⇩ |
A symbol which names the property getter method. It is not evaluated. |
value* |
Values from the method (see 3.3.3 Data conversion when calling Automation methods for details). |
The macro call-dispatch-get-property
is used to invoke an Automation property getter method from Lisp.
dispinterface-ptr should be a COM interface pointer for the i-dispatch
The appropriate Automation property getter method, chosen using dispinterface-name and method-name, is invoked after evaluating each arg, which must be values that are suitable for the method and of types compatible with Automation.
The values returned are as specified by the method signature. In general, property getter methods take no arguments and return the value of the property, but see 3.3.3 Data conversion when calling Automation methods for more details.
There is also setf expander for call-dispatch-get-property
, which can be used as an alternative to the call-dispatch-put-property macro.
For example, in order to get and set the Width
property of a MyDocument
interface pointer:
(call-dispatch-get-property (doc my-document width))
(setf (call-dispatch-get-property (doc my-document width)) 10)
COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:56